No person, movement, organization or entity fit my concept of ‘purrfection’ or 100% comply with what I wish or expect. I’ve learned to like and take knowledge, ideas, concepts, techniques that initially seem to be useful to me from a few people and groups. In the same manner, I believe people, groups can take [from] my developments, concepts & ideas that suit them best.
I don’t need (or ask for) approval from anyone. I don’t ask for anything in return. I won’t impose anything on others. At the same time, and in the same way I won’t let anyone impose anything on me; one example was the CCP Virus aka COVID 19 ‘vaccine’. I never took the shot! A virus that only kills 1.2% of those who contract it (mostly people with several chronic diseases) does not require an untested vaccine (which in time has proven to be harmful in many, many cases).
In the world of martial arts there are many types of people. I sometimes get positive comments, other times negative ones. I won’t bother to reply to those I don’t agree or dislike, since they state what they believe to be a ‘fact’ (example: traditional martial arts are useless and noneffective for ‘real’ combat).
Many people believe that a ‘real fight’ is 2 people fighting under a set of rules and norms. For most, a big and very strong opponent will win in a hand to hand combat. This is true when 2 people fight under rules and similar skills. My experience is that when fending off dangerous individuals: they don’t come 1 by 1, they attack when least expected, use weapons or objects and other non-conventional methods like poisons, Psyops and other.
The objective of a ninja is not to ‘win’ in a fight and defeat one or several opponents. A ninja, in Medieval Japan would infiltrate or observe and extract or gather information and return to base with this valuable asset. Back then, there were no Internet or phones, so a ninja would have to cover distances running and walking up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) in a day.
Importance was given to the mission, so the best ninja were the ones who successfully slipped through enemy lines without being noticed and succeeded getting the info. to destiny. We are at war! (statement used by Michael Yon). A modern ninja is usually a civilian who will rarely see any kinetic action. Objectives are set by each individual, methods too. Today, with the use of social media and other comms, we can help achieve victory in a battle (like the plandemic) through being citizen journalists and by posting facts that will help other people see the truth and help decide the outcome.
There is a difference between winning a rules based combat and surviving a real, life & death fight. Protagonist and antagonist are not always 2 well trained, strong and aggressive dudes using hand to hand and/or weapons. An [apparently] sweet old lady can defeat a 280 lb. super-muscled and well trained warrior:
From my short novel ‘Life of a Modern Ninja’:
‘At supper time, he saw Mizune sitting at the next table. He ordered chicken curry with white rice and some red wine. When he was halfway through his supper, an oriental man who didn’t look Japanese, wearing a Hawaiian shirt came and greeted him and asked him where he was from. While Rick was partially distracted, a woman passed by Rick’s table seemed to stumble, pouring some cyanide into his wine. The man left after a few words, and the woman who stumbled went another way.
When he was about to sip from his wine, Mizune got up, stumbled, making Rick drop his wine cup. She apologized and left. Rick immediately went to the bathroom to try to clean/dry his shirt and pants, when he noticed a familiar smell in his shirt; it emanated a strong smell of almonds. Someone had tried to poison him, he went up to his room, showered got the hotel kimono on and checked his entire room.
After a meticulous search, one of his trap tricks told him someone had searched his room. He wished he had a gun, prepared himself an improvised weapon, put a chair against the door, turned off the lights and slowly sipped 3 cans of canned coffee that were in the fridge. For a second, his eyes closed, and his chin hit his chest. There was a knock at the door, grabbed his weapon and went to open the door. He was very careful not to make any noise or walk directly to the door in case shots were fired.’
For a modern ninja, hand to hand combat is another resource, not the first or only option. Ninpo is a weapons system, the body being a weapon, the mind and spirit being the driving force. Weapons are usually lethal, so a modern ninja should restrain from fighting unless there is a good reason for the use of force.
I have learned to ignore [swallow] my pride when interacting with other humans. As I said before, the mission is what matters most. Getting back home with the food and supplies that will feed and sustain my Loved one and me is of utmost importance, so when some fool says something stupid to me, I just ignore while I watch my back and stand ready to respond to a physical attack.
Beyond what is Good and what is Evil, there are practical reasons for not wanting to physically or verbally confront opponents. These, should be strong enough to hold anyone from reacting to what is normally bravado and stupidity from a fool(s).
I closed classes (groups of ‘students’) because I saw that my efforts and teaching mission were not accomplished; I would later meet some of those ‘students’ in the street, they’d ask: ‘why did you close the lesson’. I’d ask: where were you last Wednesday? - I’d get something like: ‘I went to the movies’. (on a lesson day). I have decided to dedicate my effort and time to my Loved one & myself as well as to those few who value what I offer.
There are many, many people who want to make a living from martial arts; it seems to be better than an 8 hour, boring job. Only a few will be able to live from teaching. There are a few, very good people (heart-wise & technically) teaching, there are many more who teach, live from it and help their communities and then, there are martial businessmen & quacks.
You will never see me argue with someone about which martial art is ‘best’ or why mine is good - I don’t care! simple as that. I always count on another job, besides martial arts teaching and writing for a living - the reasons are obvious; not many people are willing to commit and take something seriously. Besides, so many people are only interested in making a few more bucks, buying a new phone and being comfortable.
In another post from this series ‘rick Sensei’s Ninja Kids Dojo Manifesto’, I stated that it is important to know oneself and others. Today, I also want to bring up the important subject of why we do things. Each day and episode is a battle, life is a war. For me, winning the war is accomplishing several established objectives throughout my life. Each human was assigned a mission and purpose, by God, at birth. Each individual can or maybe should find out what it is.